Friday, August 08, 2008

Long Night

Hmm, 1:30 AM and Alex is out of bed. All that sleeping during the day yesterday, as a result of seizures and Diastat, and now he is wide awake. But Marycke is leaving with Megan for Michigan today and I really need some sleep. So I put Alex in bed with Marycke. Wake her up and let he know.

3:10 AM, I am in the office working on a website, and in walks Alex. Okay, back to Marycke. She apologizes for not hearing him get up. I work till 4 AM and go to bed myself. 7:00 AM, Neal, Megan and Marycke are up, time to go to the airport, and of course, Alex is snoring away.

Fortunately Dad is still in town and comes over to stay with Alex till I take the girls to the airport. Everything goes well. Marycke is seeing her parents in Ann Arbor, and rumor has it a new gold retriever puppy will be coming back. Her name is Sophia.

I am home by 8 AM and Dad says.. Alex is up. Huh? I though for sure he would be sleeping. Nope, ready for breakfast and then off to the ARC. Well breakfast was prepared but very little was eaten. Oh well guess he will have a good lunch. The video below shows a typical morning trying to get him to eat after having had seizures the day before.

At The ARC I cannot find his class. With some assistance I find it. Several folks come greet us but the aid is new... he first day. Oh boy. How will she know about Alex. He has not even gone potty yet. Lots of action in the classroom. But after finding some Legos for him to work on Alex seems okay with me leaving. I am not too sure. Seems like I never meet people at the ARC that make me feel secure that Alex will be able to communicate his wants and needs. Anyway, I am of to Alamo PC to volunteer for 4 hours. Fixing computers. Afterwards I stop by Wendy's and get a drink for Alex and some nuggets. I decide to pick him up early.

They are in the sensory room at the ARC. This is an area of the gym that has been divided off and music is booming, the folks all have things to squeeze or hold or touch that affect the senses. Alex is squeezing some theraputty he seems happy to see me. We agree to go back to the office to see Grandpa.

By 3 PM he had crawled into his bed and is fast asleep. Oh well, enough of the blogging. Need to wake him up and get him some food. Otherwise he will be up all night!

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