Friday, August 08, 2008

Day at a time

Today was an early one. 3:15 AM and I heard whistles through the intercom. I know Alex is getting restless or about to have a seizure. I lay awake for the next 40 minutes, waiting. Then I hear shuffling footsteps. Alex is up, 4:10 AM. Hmm, seems very early.

But I have some work to do so Alex and I are out to the living room. He quickly becomes engrossed in his Lego puzzle. But after 30 minutes he is by my side pointing to the kitchen.

I try and get him to eat cereal but he refuses and points to the macaroni and cheese. Really? Mac and cheese this early? Yep, He eats a plate of Mac. And a little water.
Now 7:30 Am and Alex is loosing steam. He pulls everything off the bed and makes a ‘nest‘ for himself on the floor. But meds are at 8 AM. So a quick consult with Mom and we keep him up long enough to have meds

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