Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Good Day

Neal and Marycke,
Alex is working on PECS in his ALE Reading Class. So far he uses Edmark Reading Picture to ask for Edmark and for more time on the program. He has also used the puzzle picture, shedder picture, and work picture. He will still not travel to give you the picture so we have not moved to the communication book yet. He is doing great so far. His new Edmark words are water, Mother, orange, and candy.
Enjoy chasing the trains,
Linda Higgins

He did fine today, except he was without sweatbands....and kept looking for them when he had to wipe his mouth. Mrs. Ory
Neal Shaver wrote:

Morning all,
We did have a fun Friday and a great time with all the rain on Saturday.
But after chasing trains Saturday night and finally getting him to sleep,
Alex started a series of 6 seizures, from 11:30 to 8:30 AM.
So we had to give him Diastat and he spent all of Sunday in bed.
But he is up this morning. Eating okay. No longer does he exhibit the
euphoria of last week.
Oh well, he will have to ‘work off’ the Diastat today. So you can expect him to be
a ‘little quiet’.

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