Saturday, October 28, 2006

Picnic in the Park

Saturday I slept all day. I had seizures starting about 4:30 AM and never really got out of bed.

So I missed the Epilepsy Associations First Annual Picnic in the Park.

But Dad went. He is the President. The face pait guy put the EFA flame on his cheek.

I wish I could have gone. They had lots of games, good chicken to eat, the Chick FIlet cow came by and then at the end Dr. T held a very informative Q&A session.

Dad said there were over 100 people there. But only one port-a-potty - Ooops.

I'm sure tomorrow will be better.

Chick Filet brought us lunch and of course their mascot - a cow, say, 'Eat Mor Chicken!'

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