Monday, January 23, 2006

Off to court

Today I got out of school early. Mom and Dad took me down to the Courthouse. They are asking a judge to make Dad my guardian. It has something to do with me being over 18.

Off we go to the courthouse.

Hey where is the judge? Mom could be my guardian too but then that would restrict the monies I might get through Health and Human Services or the CLASS program. So for now it is just Dad as my guardian.

Mom left Dad and I while she checked if Dad had taken her to the correct Court.
Ooops, wrong again Dad. We are suppose to be in Court #2, 1st Floor not 2nd.

So here I am before Judge Tom Rickoff. He seems nice. Has lots of questions for Mom and Dad. Thier friend Dewey did all the legal stuff.

I guess the deal is, now that I am 18, people could get me to buy things, sign up for stuff and then there is a medical thing called HIPPA. Without a guardian Mom and Dad could not tell people how to help me.

Along with Dewey working for my parents, I get my own attorney. His name is Mike. He is very nice. Just like Dewey.

Me and my attorney, Mike

Dewey talks things over with Judge Rickoff

Finally Dad let me take some pictures.
Here is the one I took of Judge RIckoff. Not bad, eh!

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