Friday, November 18, 2005

11-14 thru 11-18

Morning all,
Alex had a good night. Marycke and I went to the EFA Art Gala so Alex and Haley went to Mac Donald’s. What fun! He slept well and got up okay. Breakfast was great and he was ready for the bus. Hope all goes well. We do not plan to have Alex at bowling tomorrow.
Enjoy your day and weekend.

Thanks for watching after Alex yesterday. By the time we got home he was over his ‘spell’ and never did have seizures. He had a good diner, slept well and got up alright this AM After a fine breakfast he was ready for the bus. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Reply: Alex did fine today. He tried something new. He sorted DVD's in their plastic cases by numbers 1-5. He was able to match the number on the container with the correct number on the display box. I guess he felt adventurous today. May you and yours have a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving. Sheila Ory

Alex took the last step off the bus with both feet and landed very securely and smiled and then clapped his hands. He seemed to me to be very excited and full of energy. In my 4th period class he survived until 3:30 then he slowed down tremendously. Lane

Yesterday he fell asleep within two minutes of sitting down on the couch. He was almost snoring he was sleeping so hard. Then all of a sudden he jumped up real fast and walked across the room and his face turned almost instantly pale. His eyes froze in one positional focus and we knew he was going into a seizure. We put him down on the physical therapy for observation and he started twitching his leg. We then notified the nurse and the rest is history. He is such a wonderful young man. It is indeed my pleasure to have your son in my class. Lane

Alex had a good night and got up just fine this AM.
We went with Grandpa to the Blue Cactus Café (formerly Tommy Wilson’s on Whetmore) where he enjoyed a dinner of sausage and fries AND got to see 2 trains pass by. Sure was fun.
Then a quiet night of puzzles and buggin’ the dog. No seizure. Good breakfast.

Alex had a good night. He and I were home alone last night. So we ordered Dominos. Alex had great fun paying the pizza guy. And then eating 4 slices. Then a little Monday Night football – how about them Cowboys – then shower time. He slept well, no seizures, and ate a great breakfast. Have a wonderful day.

Pizza Posted by Picasa

Pizza time Posted by Picasa

Neal & Marycke,
I am glad Alex ate and slept well. He is doing great in ALE Reading. He did say no the the professor (on Edmark) but he did the lesson anyway. He current new word on the program is "my". He then practiced writing his last name (still not good), and then spelling words with magnetic letters. He passed a little gas and thought that was really funny. Have a great day and enjoy Thanksgiving week, Linda Higgins

Alex had a good night after an up and down weekend. He had seizures Saturday AM and Sunday PM but only 1 on each occasion. Saturday AM he got up on his won, after the seizure, so we went for pancakes & sausage at Mickey D’s and then to watch some trains. By 11 AM we were off to the hair stylist. Nice haircut eh?

Saturday PM, we went to Rolling Oaks for dinner. Then we came out to a flat tire on the van. While waiting for the tow truck there was a Hummer carjacked on the other side of the mall. Alex enjoyed all the sirens and the BIG tow truck with it’s flashing orange lights.

Sunday was quieter. His sister came down from Austin. We just worked around the house (after getting new tires). Then Sunday night just before bath time he had another seizure.

So the pattern seems to be changing. In October we only had 4 days with a seizure. Usually on a Friday or Saturday. Now in November we have had 2-3 times per week, Wed. Fri. Sat. Sun. it does not seem to matter what day.

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