Friday, February 04, 2005

Part 2

Even after the sheets have been taken away Alex gets up and wants to sleep in our bed. Still clutching that garage door opener!

Recovering from a day of seizures Posted by Hello

Alex gets up a little after 7 PM. He decides he is hungry and has bacon, crackers & cheese. A cup of root beer and now he wants sausage. I guess if you don’t eat or drink all day you get hungry.

After doing some puzzles, visiting with neighbor Charloette and watching some videos it was time for bed. I was chosen to spend the night with Alex. Good call for Marycke.

Seizures began at 12:23 AM he had a tonic clonic (grand mal). Then again at 12:52 AM- too soon. I chickened out and woke Marycke up. We agreed to give him 15 mg Diastat (a valium derivative administered rectally). It should ‘knock him out’.

1:43 AM another tonic clonic but shorter duration, 1-2 minutes

2:42 AM tonic clonic - shorter one

3:35 AM – yeah, no seizure. Lot’s of tossing and turning. I try to keep my hand on him to feel for a seizure. 3:45 he rolls on his back, arm up over his head, is this it? Nope! He just snores and seems to have sleep apnea. I'’ll have to check into sleep apnea and seizures.

4:05 AM Man he snores loud. I roll him over. 10 minutes later he is on his back again - snoring. This is what Marycke means when I keep her awake. Oh well, time to sleep.

4:58 AM – Strong tonic clonic, 2-3 minutes

5:16 AM – tonic clonic, I give him 10 mg Diastat

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