Wednesday, November 03, 2004

All night into Day 2

All night Dad stayed up to record my seizures. He pushes a button which sends in the nurses to take my vital signs. I had some where between 17 and 24 seizures. Dr. Szabo feels he got looks of good pictures and EEGs. He thinks I should have a SPECT scan.

In the morning, it is ore seizures, then hurry up and wait. Several people have stopped in to say high. A number of elders, ministers and friends have offered prayers.

We are waiting on transportation, because we are waiting on the anithesiologist who is stuck in ER, who is waiting for the nurses to administer the radioactive isotopes which are late because they are one urse short (waiting on her too) and the gentlemen across from me is having seizures too.

At this hopsital they have 6 rooms with video cameras and EEG recording. They have 2 more down in pediactrics and one in ICU. One guy watches all the screens. If Dad pushes the button and forgets to move from infront of the camera or pull back my sheets, a voice comes in from the ceiling, "Please move away from the camera." It is funny and makes Mom jump.

We finally get down to Imaging and they can not know me out. I keep moving, snoring or talking. They give me more drugs and the Dr. Has to put something in my nose. He stays with me for the whole SPECT.

I will go to recovery and Dad when home (he has not been asleep yet.) I hope he will post up some pictures and write a note.

I'll have more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an interesting adventure you are having. I have been reading your daily journal. I hope the new medication works. My family and I are praying for you.
Tell Mom and Dad we are praying for them too! They can call us if we can do anything to help,like bring food.
Susie Mariano and family