Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sunday Seizures

Another weekend and more seizures. We have been trying to get over to COmmunity Bible Church to evaluate their Special Needs Bible Classes but Alex keeps having seizures. Alex's Summer school teacher, David, is also one of the teachers at CBC.

7:00 AM tonic clonic
12:00 Non tonic clonic, after having fallen asleep

Friday, June 24, 2005


Just got back from a great week at Camp CAMP. No seizures!!! And Mom and Dad got to have their first time together in nearly a year.

Children's Association for Maximum Potential (CAMP) is a non-profit corporation established in 1979 to provide a wide range of recreational, rehabilitative, educational, and respite services for children with developmental disabilities and their families. Central to each of CAMP's programs is the provision of medical support. This ensures that every child, regardless of the degree of his or her medical needs, will be able to participate in all programs. CAMP was founded with the express purpose of filling major gaps in services for children with developmental disabilities.

Back in the spring of 1979, Chris Johnson, a pediatric resident at the United States Air Force Medical Center in San Antonio, could have had no idea that performing a routine summer physical would change her life. Her young patient, Matt, had had a kidney transplant several years earlier. He also wore leg braces and a back brace. As Dr. Johnson conducted the physical exam, Matt chattered eagerly about the special camp for children with disabilities he was to attend that summer.

Chris Johnson dreamed of a camp that accepted all children, regardless of the severity of their disabilities. Her vision became a reality in 1980 when, with a grant from the Air Force Aid Society and the help of private donations, she founded Camp CAMP (Children's Association for Maximum Potential).

Thursday, June 23, 2005


We increased Trileptal to 300 m 2x per day
Decreased Zonegram to 900mg AM and 600 mg PM
Neal did not want to make any changes since Alex had did so well at Camp.

You can see Alex getting taller all the time. Russ and Alex did so well, Russ won an award for Best new counselor of the week.

Here is Alex and Russ with other counselors. Russ is a ninth grader from a HS here in San Antonio.

He enjoyed the canoeing, archery and horseback.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Med change

Increase Trileptol 150 mg 2x per Day

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


4:42 AM Tonic Clonic

Monday, June 13, 2005

Seizure Day

7 AM tonic clonic

Thursday, June 09, 2005

One day at a time

Well Summer school did not last too long. Alex only made it for day 1.

Today he had 3 seizures and slept most of the day.

Oh well there is always Monday.

1:00 AM Tonic Clonic
5:55 AM Tonic Clonic
7:20 AM Tonic Clonic

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Oh man, 7 AM is just too early for the bus. But seeing that I had seizures at 2:54 AM tonic clonic and another at 5:53 AM I'm surprised to be standing at all.

Mom is going to take me to Summer school for the first couple of days.

Ready for Summer School Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Summer School

Got my UT whistle and ready for school! Posted by Hello

But school does not start till tomorrow.